Please note that we will calculate any amount of Philippine Pesos in Gass no matter how big is the number you enter, but it will be just that - a calculated number.
Notice: Undefined index: SEARCH_MP3 in /var/.KPHP takes your PHP source code and converts it to a C++ equivalent, then compiles the generated C++ code and runs it within an embedded HTTP server. It compiles a limited subset of PHP to a native binary running faster than PHP. For purposes of speed, OpenSSL, GMP, libsodium or mcrypt are used, if they're available, but they are not required. The 3.0 version works on PHP 5.6+ and doesn't require any extensions. phpseclib is designed to be ultra-portable.Access Control List (ACL) is a feature that grants your users different permissions for working with CKFinder folders and files.
forget a semicolon, the application may stop working. Note: config.php is a regular PHP file, so if you make a mistake there, e.g.